Sunday, November 2, 2014

100 Items To Have In A Crisis

Here are 100 Things To Have With You in Crisis

You want to foreshadow whats going on beyond the hills. So having a goog set of binoculars will help you zoom in and see what's coming ahead of time.

Miniature Radar
It's good to have one that can scan the area around you to pick up motion signls.

Durable backpack
Always have a durable backpack in case of any emergency. Pack  if you can as light as possible incase you have to travel on foit long distances to make it easier on your back. Focus on nutrition and health.

Ziplock bags
Great to pack everything, particularly the dark green ones to keep perishables fresh.

Toiletry Bag
Always get a toiletry bag. It should include toothbrush, paste, rag in ziplock bag, soap in case, tweezers, nail clipper, comb, brush, hairdressing pomade, etc. if possible. Shavers are questionable so try an alternative incase they want to scan it as a threat.

Sanitze, Sanitize, Sanitize! After the Ebola scare, who knows what's in the air? So, just to be on the safe side, it will temporarily kill the germs.  A natural hand sanitizer can help as well such as citrus cleansers, lemon, witch hazel, which are natural astringents to cleanse areas.

Its good to have a warm blanket that holds heat. Possibly you can make a blanket from material that is weather resistant on one side, that way you can make an extra tent out of it.

Solar Flashlight
A solar flashlight is good incase electric energy sources are affected during this time.

Address Book
Since technology is not reliable, it is good to back up contacts and
addresses in an address book. Always make sure your contact is not in a targeted area during a crisis.

In every season, a Thermastat always comes in handy during times of crisis. You can keep liquids and soups hot or cold.

Its good to know the terrain, instead of wandering aimlessly like Christopher Columbus did. Always know concentrated areas during this times. It is good to even build relationships with everyone from rural regions to abroad that "know" the area. Remember, out of sight out of mind.

First Aid Kit
A First Aid Kit is first and foremost to have in case of crisis and natural disasters. An acquaintance with a doctor or having foreknowledge of healthcare, which should be carried out by a practicing physician, always helps.

MRES and Dry Foods
Although this has been called meals Meals Regurgitated by Elephants, the variety of food options have changed over the last decade.

Swiss Rope and Harness w/ Secure Clip
Always Good brand name and durable rope and clip to have with you in case you have to emergency climb or run for the border.

Natural remedies book-Travel size
It is always good to know grandma's methods or ancient methods of natural remedies. There are alot of natural resources used to cure ailments from common cold to chronic diseases.

Always have prescribed medicines or antibiotics for chronic health issues or epedemic breakouts cased in a medic bag, comes in handy in case there is no access to hospitals or pharmacys in case of a crisis.

Gasmask or Goggles
I know this is the most bizarre thing you ever heard. Though after learning from a marine, I considered it in case of an airborne emergency. Since the anthrax scare that commenced a mask trend in places like Japan, it will be more common in the coming future.

Solar MP3 player or tablet
Good to have incase your extremely bored. If you are a tech geek you can probably reprogram track chips or wifi capabilities.

Solar Calibrater
Comes in handy incase you have to measure mechanical devices

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